To maximize the value of your supply chain, you need a reliable logistics partner whose excellent support is available wherever you need it – whether that’s locally or on the other side of the world. One with a thorough depth of knowledge of your market and its dynamics, who works to the highest standards and brings you the benefit of unrivalled environmental and safety credentials, along with state-of-the art technology.
Global Strength
By placing your trust in the world’s largest logistics company, you benefit from its financial stability, massive resources and buying power, heavy investment in supply chain technology and global reach. Wherever you need to operate, Global Glide Transport will be there to provide globally standardized, cost-efficient, high-quality, innovative solutions.
Deep Sector Understanding
Understanding, predicting and responding effectively to the trends and challenges facing your industry sector is vital to the success of your business. Growing consumerism, blurring sector boundaries, demanding emerging markets, and the increasing need for lean, risk-controlled approaches in complex marketplaces are today’s major supply chain drivers. Our logistics experts, who focus on these sector market challenges, can help you develop strategies to meet both your current and future supply chain needs.
Responsible Living
As a socially responsible company, you expect your providers to work responsibly too. At Global Glide Transport we are committed to making a difference in people’s lives. Our GoGreen initiatives help protect the planet and focus on making your operations more sustainable. Additionally, you can count on us to implement and uphold a ‘Safety First’ culture that will protect both your people and your brand.
Project Management
A transformational project may look great on paper but how can you be sure it will be delivered successfully, on time, on budget and to the required specifications? The project management approach and philosophy adopted by Global Glide Transport has been proven worldwide, to make implementations smooth and to address any risks before they become problems. It is anchored by our own proprietary project management methodology, known as DePICT® – which stands for Define, Plan, Implement, Control and Transition.
IT Philosophy
As the supply chain industry’s leader in the implementation of warehouse management and transport management systems, Global Glide Transport is constantly reviewing and deploying new technological capabilities as they become available. Our IT philosophy drives us to maximize value to customers, providing excellent project implementation and management, fast and repeatable deployment and continuous improvement.